Oppositional defiant disorder is when the child refuses to comply with adult rules. Children with oppositional defiant disorder are more often sad than bad.
Read MoreThere are many possible factors contributing to why a bully targets one person rather than another. The victim may be physically smaller or weaker, have different interests, be less assertive than peers, evoke jealousy, be impulsive and fail to respect boundaries, have poor social skills, be unable to read emotional cues due to Autism, Asperger's or PDD or a Nonverbal Learning Disability, be highly reactive and thus "fun to bully," lack peer social supports or just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Boys are more likely to use physical prowess to bully. Girls are more likely to use social and verbal weapons. This video discuses bullying among girls. Download the Ophelia Project brochure on bullying.
In happy couples, the ratio of positive to negative communications is 5 positive for every one negative. In marriages that breakup, the ratio is 0.8 positive to 1 negative.
Read MoreGood listening skills will make life easier at home and at work. Developing your listening skills is one of the greatest gifts to give your family.
Read MorePut too much weight on the bar and there will be no movement, no improvement, and probably failure. Most children will be unable to sustain motivation in the face of continuous failure. The result may be that it will be difficult to restore motivation even when the weight is lightened.
Read MoreMost of us initially learn to read using a phonetic approach. That is, we learn to sound out words, and eventually recognition of the word becomes automatic and we are sight reading the word. Many children have difficulty taking words apart into their component sounds. The earlier this is remediated, the better, because children learn new auditory tricks more easily than adults and younger children learn more easily than adolescents. Those with a history of ear infections are more likely to have difficulty recognizing particular sounds.
Read MoreSocial skills involve the ability to behave with others in a manner that produces positive outcomes. Social skills (also called social intelligence) will often have a greater impact on quality of life than academic intelligence.
Read MoreOften, psychopharmacological treatments are encouraged too early in a patient's treatment; it is safer to first make use of the many forms of drug-free therapy available.
Read MoreTemperament is the more biological component of personality.
Read MoreIndividuals considered to suffer from ADHD may have acquired brain damage, neural systems mediating attention or inhibition may have developed slowly, or not fully developed, they may have brain or cognitive dysfunction due to some other biological or psychological cause, the issues may be motivational it may be extremes of temperament.
Read MoreThe Emotional Impact of having a Learning Disability should never be underestimated. Learned helplessness, shame and/or anxiety are often triggered, resulting in the student seeming to fail to do what they can to help their situation. It is essential to understand the emotional reactions while developing compensatory strategies. This is one of the reasons that a suspected learning disability is best addressed as soon as possible.
Read MoreOne or more executive functions are likely to be affected by head injury.
Read MoreBehavior is often very inflexible and rigid. Any unexpected change causes distress. There may be extreme persistence and inflexible adherence to unhelpful routines and rituals. There may be a burning interest in one or more topic - often to the point of obssesion. There may be a persistent or obsessive interest.
Read MoreChildren suffering from Bipolar Disorder may resemble children with ADHD. Additional features may include horrendous nightmares and intense temper tantrums. The following site provides information and support: Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Read MoreLyme Disease is a preventable threat to you and your children. When untreated, it can lead to serious neurological complications. The solution is the restore the balance of nature by thinning the deer herd. Current deer densities are too high.
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